Sacramental Living - One in the Spirit

 - May 21, 2015


Today, the Church celebrates its “birthday” with the feast of Pentecost.  It is a scene of great drama – rushing wind, tongues of fire, the uttering of many languages. It is also a scene of inner transformation: timid disciples empowered to speak boldly, in a way that no matter what the religious, cultural, and linguistic differences, each hears the message in a language they can understand. Such is the power of God’s Holy Spirit: to break down the walls of division and to create the unity that is the Father’s desire for all creation.  From the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Church is born – and reborn, in every age.

Here at St. Monica’s, we form a richly diverse community.  We come from many lands, we speak different languages, we express our faith in a variety of devotions and spiritualities. Yet in the Spirit, gathered around the Lord’s table, we truly form One Body.  This year, as we have sought to grow in the practice of “living sacramentally”, we have had occasion to embrace more deeply the vocation we all share as baptized and confirmed Catholics, nourished by the Eucharist to live as the Body of Christ in the world. With joy, we welcomed 23 young people to the table in Holy Communion, and 38 more to the fullness of the Spirit’s gifts in Confirmation. Fr. Gerry Westphal preached on the importance of listening, discerning, and responding to God’s call to holiness and mission, and witnessed to his call as a priest. 

Next Sunday, at the 11:00 Mass, we honour all those who have given themselves generously to service to the Lord and his people in the many forms of consecrated life.  Twelve couples are completing their participation in the ALPHA marriage-enrichment seminar and will be celebrated, along with all other couples, on the weekend of June 6-7.  Finally, on Sunday June 14, from 2:00-4:00 p.m., we will gather in appreciation of the many volunteers who, in a wide variety of ministries, share their gifts with competence and generosity to make our community stronger.  We are blessed by so many gifts of the Spirit, by so much generosity of response!

Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down.
O comforter and friend, how we need your touch again.
Let your power fall, let your voice be heard.
Come and change our hearts as we stand on your word.
Holy Spirit, rain down!