Altar Society

The Altar Society of St. Monica's offer their dedicated service to the Church. They are involved in the life of the Church in a special way. Through their efforts, they assist the Pastor in maintaining the Altar, Sanctuary and Sacristy. This includes cleaning and setting of the Altar for Services, caring for the vestments, Altar cloths, etc. The Alter Society also decorates for special occasions and cares for the plants and flowers.

The coordinator for this ministry is Peggy Hyland. If you would like more information, please contact the parish office.

The purpose of this guild is to unlock, the two front doors, the ushers room, emergency door to ramp, side door, across from the rectory and all those in the sacristy, including the cupboard and vault. This is done every day for preparation of the daily Mass. The lights are turned on at the altar and the front of the church. The lights in the body of the church are turned on at 7:50 a.m. Also a check that the eternal candle lighting is done.

The doors of the church are opened at 7:30 a.m., from Monday to Friday and at 7:45 a.m. on Sunday.

Ministry Activities

  • Read Ordo.  This book is placed on the counter in the sacristy and gives the appropriate colour for the pall and tabernacle, also proper Mass for the day.
  • The plastic cover is taken from the altar and the sacramentary is placed, arranging it at the proper Mass for the day.  Also, putting both an English and Italian missal at the proper Mass for the day.
  • The lectionary is placed on the ambo (green book – week day, red book – Sunday).  The Ordo is checked for the proper reading and page number.  The ribbon is arranged to the right place.
  • The key is taken from the vault to the tabernacle and a visual check is made to make sure there are enough hosts.
  • Take the chalice and paten from the vault.  Prepare the chalice with a purificator over it, put the paten with a large host and use the appropriate colour pall, making sure that a corporal is inside.
  • Prepare the cruets – one water, one wine.  Place cruets on the credence table along with the chalice and paten.
  • Place a towel and dish for the washing of hands on the credence table.
  • Take out the microphones for the altar and ambo.  Microphones should be plugged in before putting the switch on in the panel.
  • Light candles on the altar.  Every 3 weeks, check the candles to see if they need replacing.
  • When Mass is finished, turn off the switch for the microphones and return them to their places.  Take away chalice, cruets, dish and towel.  Wash everything and put away.  The soiled purificator and towel go to the box in the far cupboard to be cleaned.  Take the plastic cover and put it back on the altar.
  • Turn off all lights when everybody has left the church and lock all the doors.
  • From time to time, check that the supplies are adequate.  If getting low, send a list to the secretary asking her to re-order.
  • During the last week of the month, put out ‘daily missals’ for the next month, on sale.  These are put on the little counters at the front of the church, near the inside doors.
  • Keep the front of the church clean by removing all the outdated magazines and papers for recycling.  Also, putting back all the hymnals, left on the counters, in their rightful places.